Corporate training: How to engage your employees through it

Having a motivated and high-performance team is essential for a successful business. The big challenge is knowing how to increase the engagement of the professionals involved and make them. With that in mind, find out how corporate training can help you on this journey.

More engaged professionals tend to produce more and, consequently, also share the same values and objectives defined by a company – becoming fundamental parts within an institution. 

To reach this level of business relationship, investing in professional training is a strategy that can extract the best from employees and increase their level of motivation, bringing better results to organizations.

Engagement between companies and employees can be built within a pleasant and effective dynamic. For this, when carrying out training, it is important to keep in mind some factors. Here are four tips worth considering.


  1. Conduct pre-training engagement by giving employees reasons to participate When participating in training, employees need to understand the reason for their participation. 

This prepares them mentally and makes them less resistant to the subject that will be addressed. At the same time, by having this awareness, they are able to perceive the importance of what is being done and participate more actively, otherwise they will find it a waste of time. 

Furthermore, it is interesting to show the participants that certain training is important not only for the company, but for them as a professional, adding knowledge and enabling possible career advancements. By taking an interest in their professional development, employees increase their level of engagement and give priority to training with commitment.


  1. Training must be relevant to the entire team and integrate real work situations with customization.

  When scheduling training, it is necessary to ensure that the participating team will, in fact, benefit from its content. So, make sure she has the necessary skills to follow the course. Furthermore, to make the experience more dynamic and involve the participants even more, it is essential to include real work situations, whether based on images or discussions. And, amid this real-life scenario, personalization gains space. The more personalized situations you create, the better employees respond to them. 


The path is to keep the participants at the center of the training, instigating learning and making them knowledge builders based on what they already master. This process increases self-esteem and makes training worthwhile. When participating in training, employees need to understand why they are participating. This prepares them mentally and makes them less resistant to the subject that will be addressed. At the same time, by having this awareness, they are able to perceive the importance of what is being done and participate more actively, otherwise they will find it a waste of time.


  1. Give participants a voice 

The most modern learning methodologies focus on learners as the center, as they are the key to knowledge. And corporate training could not be different. It is necessary to break the barriers of top-down methods and bring employees to actively participate in training, not just watch them passively. 

A simple way to carry out this process is to first ask the participants what they already know about a certain topic, ask them to share examples, give suggestions, expose their ideas and show what they consider important in the company. They can bring surprising insights and further enrich the dynamics.


  1. Insert training as part of the company’s culture 

An excellent way to make employees respond positively to corporate training is to make it part of the company’s culture. It is not offering training and forcing employees to participate, but encouraging people to learn from each other, placing learning as a priority: encouraging discussions and sharing experiences and knowledge in solving problems. 

Thus, expanding their worldviews ensures a better quality of life inside and outside work. After training, it’s always good to show participants that they were capable and are being recognized for it. That way, they feel motivated and ready for new challenges. Simply handing out certificates with a slightly more solemn tone already adds value to the team’s professional development, showing that their efforts are being appreciated.

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